How To Meet Your Needs While Traveling: Tips From An Expert Traveler

Traveling is an exhilarating journey that takes us out of our comfort zones and into new and exciting experiences. Whether exploring a bustling city, trekking through remote landscapes, or immersing ourselves in different cultures, it's essential to take care of

How to Make the Most of a Gap Year

So you finally decided to take a gap year to travel? How do you feel? Nervous? Worried about losing time? Taking a gap year to travel doesn’t mean you need to have a résumé gap or that it’s wasted time.

The Subtle Reason Why We Travel

Travel is one of those things that don't really need a justification. Like many of life's great pleasures, we simply do it for its own sake. However, throughout my own journey, I’ve come to realize that there’s a subtle reason

How to save money for travel

Are you the type of person who opens up Facebook or Instagram and looks through pictures of beautiful, far off places you’d like to see? You swipe through your cell phone and you see twentysomethings walking along white sand Caribbean

10 lessons I learned from my first expedition

It’s a cold December afternoon, but it’s still sunny in Hermosillo, Sonora, in northern Mexico. I’ve just been dropped off at the airport by one of the new friends I made during my more than a month long trip staying

12 Reasons To Travel More

Travel is definitely its own reward. You really don’t need a reason to stand up, buy a plane ticket to somewhere where you’ve never been before and have a new and awesome experience. Nevertheless, there are some fringe reasons why

The Best Languages for Travel

Speaking the local language is one of the most useful tools for fully experiencing your travels. A great part of traveling adventurously can also include fully immersing yourself in the local culture and customs and, although you could do this

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