San Miguel de Allende: A Travel Guide to Mexico’s Most Enchanting City

San Miguel de Allende, nestled in the heart of Mexico's central highlands, is a captivating destination renowned for its colonial charm, artistic flair, and vibrant culture. With its cobblestone streets, colorful facades, and majestic architecture, San Miguel exudes a timeless

Things to Do and See in Campeche

Nestled along the tranquil shores of Mexico's Gulf Coast, Campeche stands as a hidden gem waiting to be discovered. With its charming colonial architecture, rich cultural heritage, and breathtaking natural beauty, this historic city offers travelers a captivating blend of

How To Meet Your Needs While Traveling: Tips From An Expert Traveler

Traveling is an exhilarating journey that takes us out of our comfort zones and into new and exciting experiences. Whether exploring a bustling city, trekking through remote landscapes, or immersing ourselves in different cultures, it's essential to take care of

Puebla: A Travel Guide to the City of Angels

Puebla, in south-central Mexico, is known as the "City of Angels" for the incredible number of churches one can visit while traveling through the city (locals boast that you can visit a church a day for a year and there

The Costs of Traveling Guatemala in 2023

So, you’ve decided to travel Guatemala? Get ready for a journey through this land of volcanoes populated by the colorful Maya. You’re all packed up and ready to go, but… have you stopped to consider the costs of traveling Guatemala?

How to save money for travel

Are you the type of person who opens up Facebook or Instagram and looks through pictures of beautiful, far off places you’d like to see? You swipe through your cell phone and you see twentysomethings walking along white sand Caribbean

5 Ways Couchsurfing changed how I travel

Couchsurfing has been around for years but it wasn't until relatively recently that I started using the app. It was during a trip to Sonora that I started using it and finding out the great advantages it has for the

An Introduction to Hitchhiking

We’ve all seen that seemingly crazy guy standing at the edge of the road with little more than a backpack (maybe with a guitar or a sleeping bag too) and a sign that asks for a ride to anywhere. That’s

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