Shanghaied into Guatemala!

The boat sped over the dark green waters of Amatique Bay, the no man's land in between Belize and Guatemala. I was exhilarated to feel the sea wind on my

Write, yes, but don’t just write!

It’s kind of a given that writers write. It's kind of the hallmark of the profession. Extraordinary writers, however, don’t just write, they lead extraordinary lives themselves! Believe me when

How to Make the Most of a Gap Year

So you finally decided to take a gap year to travel? How do you feel? Nervous? Worried about losing time? Taking a gap year to travel doesn’t mean you need

The Subtle Reason Why We Travel

Travel is one of those things that don't really need a justification. Like many of life's great pleasures, we simply do it for its own sake. However, throughout my own

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